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Nintendo Switch The Elder scrolls V Skyrim
Nintendo Switch The Elder scrolls V Skyrim Games Nintendo Switch Selangor, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Petaling Jaya (PJ) Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | Gaming Gadgets Sdn Bhd
RM 219.00
2 in stock
  • Epic Fantasy Reborn - Skyrim reimagines the open-world fantasy epic, pushing the gameplay and technology of a virtual world to new heights
  • Live another life, in another world - Play any type of character you can imagine, and do whatever you want; the legendary freedom of choice, storytelling, and adventure of The Elder Scrolls is realized like never before
  • Stunning Graphics and Immersive Gameplay - Skyrim's game engine brings to life a complete virtual world with rolling clouds, rugged mountains, bustling cities, lush fields, and ancient dungeon
  • You Are What You Play - Choose from hundreds of weapons, spells, and abilities. The new character system allows you to play any way you want and define yourself through your actions
  • Dragons Return - Battle ancient dragons like you've never seen. As Dragonborn, learn their secrets and harness their power for yourself

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